Henle First Year Latin Flashcards

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Henle First Year Latin Flashcards



This set of flashcards covers EVERY vocabulary word listed in Henle First Year Latin.

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This set of 469 flashcards covers  EVERY vocabulary word listed in Henle First Year Latin.  (Duplicate words are listed on a single card with multiple definitions.)

Each Latin vocabulary word is labeled with the part of speech and declension/conjugation if applicable.

Each word is labeled with the Unit, Lesson, and Page Number within the text for easy reference.

Each word is labeled with a Flashcard Number that corresponds to the order they are introduced in the text.  

All this labeling makes it very handy for sorting these cards quickly in various helpful ways: by unit, by lesson, by page number, alphabetically, by part of speech, by declension, by conjugation, and MORE.

Each card includes white space for you to make notes like adding derivations or helpful comments.

Cards are printed on white, 110 lbs. card stock.  You could easily add your own color-coding or highlight.

This set will take you through Challenge A, Challenge B, AND Challenge 1 of Classical Conversations with ease.

Cards are mailed USPS Media Mail included in the price.